What People Say about The Marketing Academy...
Don't just take our word for it. This is what our community around the world have said about our programs...
A one-of-a-kind leadership development experience every marketer wish they had.
The Fellowship is a fantastic experience, giving access to faculty materials, insider experience from senior mentors and a close peer network that you cannot access anywhere else. Amazing, humbling and great fun.
If you want to meet others who can help you think differently about your objectives in work and the outcomes you are delivering, and at the same time learn more about how to grow your personal impact – then apply. You’ll make life long friends and a network more valuable than an MBA.
The Marketing Academy has inspired me to transform the way I think about the C-suite. It’s gone from a pipedream to an attainable goal!
I genuniely feel that the academy has given me the tools and assistance I require to succeed over the next few years: the mentors with their extensive personal experiences and future marketing insight, the scholar network to share this amazing journey with and the executive coach which provides the glue to bring together all of the learning.
I decided to apply for the academy to take my learning to the next level. When you work within a smaller business often with a small marketing team – you look outside of the organisation for help and inspiration. The academy is one massive thinktank and sounding-board which enables me to constantly test our marketing capabilities with inspiration from some of the top marketers in the UK.
I would advise anybody that is joining the academy that “what got you here, won’t get you there”! The academy is 80% leadership & 20% marketing – so if you want to be a marketing leader the academy will help prepare you in the best possible way
Just Do It! The Marketing Academy is the most special learning experience there is – imagine combining the most amazing bunch of people, learning from the best in the business & having permission to take the time to really craft and think about what matters most to become the best version of yourself – both professionally and personally. You will leave inspired with a clear purpose and clarity on who you are, the life you want and the steps to help you become the best leader you can be. You’ll challenge yourself in a way you have never done before, ask yourself questions you have never thought about and never look at things in the same way again – I cannot recommend it highly enough, it’s the experience of a lifetime.
The value is not simply the calibre of people who give up their time to talk, mentor and host. It’s the huge amount of themselves that they put into it when they do that makes it invaluable. It’s inspiring and humbling to be a part of such a varied group of people as those in my cohort. People I know are going to shape the future of our industry. They are not teaching us to manage. They are enabling us to lead.
The Scholarship has transformed my way of thinking and helped my development to become a better leader. It has made me realize what my values are, which now recognized is benefiting both myself and those around me. I have met some really inspirational people and have received invaluable advice and mentoring which will help me on my journey through the rest of my career.
The Marketing Academy is an incredibly unique opportunity that will give see you grow and develop more as a person than you could ever imagine. There’s nothing else that exists that sees you get such a high calibre leadership training, mentoring from highly revered figures in the industry and the chance to meet, and befriend, 29 utterly fantastic people. The simplest way to sum it up would be “career rocket fuel”. I couldn’t encourage anyone enough who is ambitious, and hungry to learn, to apply.
The Marketing Academy is rocket fuel for your career and personal development. Just being around 30 fantastic, sharp people for 12 months, is beneficial in itself. Adding world class leadership training to the equation, a business coach and the chance to assist a small charity, and you have an enormously powerful program. Quite simply you’ll never be the same again after being an MA Scholar.
A wonderfully rich, varied and rewarding learning platform for every aspiring marketing leader. In isolation, each of the Marketing Academy faculties is worth the rigorous application process. In sum, they constitute a programme that is unique in mission, broad in scope and blessed with industry mentors that would top any young marketers lunch wish-list. A ready-made marketing network for the next ten years of your life.
It has been a huge privilege to be part of the 2017 TMA scholarship progam.
Being a part of the Marketing Academy is like winning the National Lottery when it’s a double rollover. It has changed my life forever in the most positive way and allows me to share great things with people around me.
The Marketing Academy, without wanting to be a cliche, is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It’s not just about networking and mentoring, it’s about building relationships with people who will help you become a strong leader and a technically excellent marketer.
The Marketing Academy is the most life changing programme I’ve ever been on – imagine feeling like for the first time ever you know what your purpose is. Imagine understanding for the first time too how to go about getting that career you really want. Imagine feeling more inspired and empowered than ever before by incredible industry leaders from across the marketing industry. Finally, imagine having the opportunity to grow a brand new network of talented future leaders and friends. The Marketing Academy has been an indescribable experience so far – the journey I have been on has been almost magical and I can’t thank the Academy, mentors, coaches and speakers enough for helping to shape the new professional I have become.
The Marketing Academy has harnessed and channelled my ambition, to be more productive and work smarter. The way that the course is set up has given me the tools that I need to make change and then the ongoing support and network to ensure it is followed through. The quality of people that I have come in to contact through the course has been fantastic and an inspiration as to what can be achieve.
The Marketing Academy is an incredible opportunity for you and the organisation that you represent. You’ll get inspiration and challenge in equal measure from an amazing array of coaches, mentors, industry experts, inspirational leaders and your awesome fellow scholars. All of this will make you clearer on what you want and infinity more capable of achieving it. You’ll learn techniques and frameworks that can add instant value to your business and you’ll form relationships and a way of thinking that will stay with you throughout your life.
I feel like all of my Christmases have come at once. You get out of life what you put in. Put all your effort into trying to get on the next intake of scholars, and you will get a life changing experience out.
This isn’t just any marketing course, this is a marketing course for the leaders of tomorrow.
Time taken to create your “Showcase Me” presentation = 10 hours, Intensive interviews = 2 hours, Being a scholar of the academy = Priceless.
6 months in, I am still pinching myself to see if I am dreaming!
The Marketing Academy Scholarship Programme is the start of an amazing journey that has helped me realize the leader I already was. I’m now able to articulate my passion, have a clear purpose and have a network of amazing people who have all been on this journey together. It’s helped me realize what my potential can be whilst unleashing a passion to inspire and influence people in my life to think about things differently and be the change they want to see.
A real luxury to have the opportunity to step out of the day to day job to meet some inspirational people and learn how to hone my personal leadership style.
Academy People
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Paul Everson, Managing Director, JWT
Paul is an entrepreneurial executive and natural leader with over 20 years of experience working in the marketing, communications and technology industry globally. He has…
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Therese Rahme
Therese Rahme specialises in helping people through times of shift and change in their personal and professional lives to help them transform from uncertainty and…