How to innovate by Ben Slater from Bow & Arrow Agency by Daniel Murray

Ben Slater, the founder of Bow and Arrow agency kicks off by sharing the important highlights

  • Don’t just do innovation for the sake of it
  • Find Company Alignment + Integrate
  • Strategy Plan
  • The journey and ability to disembark them when its over
  • Being able to do good Betas/MVPs
  • Find out what it actually means to you

Innovation is:

– The identification of new commercial growth opportunities.

– Launch of new products, services and propositions

Marketing is the beating heart of organisations – leading growth innovation strategy and growth

An alarming fact: 98% of all innovation fails

Why does innovation fail?

  1. No Sponsorship
  2. No Investment
  3. No strategic, creative or commercial process
  4. No Internal alignment
  5. Unfeasible
  6. Poor execution

Failproof Innovation tries to turn these around by;

  1. Be annoying, difficult, stubborn, hardcore to get the project launched.
  2. No investment? Size the prize early. Work out roughly what it is going to cost but attach a cost properly and give it a go.
  3. No strategic creative process? Use a military process. You need to identify customer segment, outline opportunity platform, build proposition idea, concept prototype, make the business case and recommend.
  4. Internal alignment – Co – Create and make it real
  5. Unfeasible – make it realistic, and get hopper teams in to get more perspective and insight

A cool dude with good ideas for anyone trying to instill that sense of innovation in their organisation…


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