Nominations for The UK 2025 Scholarship Program are now open  – NOMINATE NOW

Melanie opens up to the world of ‘Coaching’

I was not quite sure what to expect from the whole ‘coaching’ thing. Would they tell me what I should do? Would they ask scary questions? Do I need to prepare!?

Turns out it was quite a provocative experience. But definitely worth every minute. Having a complete stranger ask you what you think and feel about different aspects of your work and personal life can actually be quite challenging. If you are honest with yourself you begin to realise who you really are. Hugely insightful.

My homework before our next session is to now take notice of how different things make me feel or think. Its felt empowering in some way, taking the time to stop and recognise what is going on around you.

All this after one session. Imagine after a year! Bring it on.



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The Scholarship – a 9 month, free, part time program for 30 of the UK’s fastest rising stars in Marketing, Advertising, Media and Communications.

The Fellowship – Equips CMOs and Marketing Directors with the tools, knowledge and insight to make the move onto Boards and into General Management / MD / CEO roles.

12 month full paid Marketing Apprenticeship for young adults who because of challenging backgrounds, lack qualifications or poor life choices are normally overlooked for this kind of work experience