Having been selected as one of the 28 Scholars that was the question I’m sure many of us couldn’t answer at first.
Now I can say that, for me, so far, The Marketing Academy has been life changing, amazing, inspirational, empowering and just downright brilliant! That’s just 6 weeks in, there are still 46 to go!!
You have heard from Ross and Lauren who have talked about their experiences at Boot Camp and Melanie’s coaching experience. For me, there was so much to absorb in just a few days. Tonnes of insight, knowledge, hints and tips from some of the most inspirational and authentic people I can honestly say I have ever met. I couldn’t get enough of it. Some great ideas that I could take away for others and myself.
So, my first few weeks post boot camp, how did I feel?
A little overwhelmed. There are so many things I want to do, where do I start? Boot Camp was so inspirational I wanted to get started on everything NOW! I have since chilled and realised that it’s one thing at a time. As they say, small breakthroughs are good.
The Marketing Academy was great not just from a marketing perspective but there are elements that are useful for everyone, regardless of age, job role etc…
I can’t believe how many people are supporting The Marketing Academy, dedicating their time, energy and efforts to support young marketers. Truly amazing. I must go on and share my experiences with other people.
I STILL can’t believe I got a place!
And since Boot Camp, what have been my highlights?
Becoming more self aware. The power of talking less and listening more is massive. Experience it and you can REALLY see the difference. It doesn’t always come easy and can be very difficult at times but it is worth it. As Penny and her team quoted, we have two ears and one mouth….
Giving more compliments and thanks to people; colleagues – senior and junior, family and friends makes you feel so good and is massively appreciated. It can really improve relationships too. How do you feel when someone gives you a compliment?
It’s all about being authentic, being yourself and being happy with this. So powerful. There is a saying ‘It does not matter what other people say about you. What is important is what you say to yourself’.
Everything hasn’t got to be done NOW! The journey is an important part of the ride, not just the destination.
Whilst we will be working with charities as part of The Marketing Academy, I have decided to take a work experience student on for the summer to give her opportunities I couldn’t get at University. The start of giving more back…
I could go on but I think that’s enough for one night! I’ll come back to the blog and update with some more highlights soon.
This is one exciting journey……