The Marketing Academy announces the 5th cohort of their coveted CMO Fellowship Programme
The Marketing Academy has selected the 19 Fellow CMO’s and marketing leaders at the top of their organisations who will gain insight skills to help…
Nominations for The UK 2025 Scholarship Program are now open – NOMINATE NOW
Welcome to The Marketing Academy’s blog, where you can hear from our Scholars and Alumni and get updates on the Academy’s news and events.
Note that our scholars and other contributors post freely on this site – their views do not necessarily reflect those of the Marketing Academy, Marketing Hall of Legends, or the organisations for which they work.
The Marketing Academy has selected the 19 Fellow CMO’s and marketing leaders at the top of their organisations who will gain insight skills to help…
Two weeks ago, Inspire London had the privilege of hosting coach Tim Hole, to learn about the power of self-optimisation. The premise: to promote constant…
The stars gloriously aligned this weekend allowing me to watch the next chapter in the heroic tale revolving around a powerful ability called The Force….
Coaching. It was the concept many of us at the first bootcamp questioned. It was the uncertain aspect of the programme, the unknown. Whenever I…
Fellowships have been awarded to 18 leaders from the world of Marketing The Marketing Academy, a voluntary non-profit organisation committed to preparing CMOs for the…
The many learning elements of The Marketing Academy Scholarship are underpinned by the one on one coaching each Scholar receives courtesy of a team of…
Inspiring leaders make us want to achieve more. They persuade us to their cause, win our active support, help us to work better together and…
Hello, About a year ago, I wrote this post about why you should apply to the Marketing Academy. Since then my year as a scholar…
Life has been a bit of a roller coaster lately. Married in December, promotion at work to Head of Business Airline Marketing at Manchester Airport…
Hello, So I’ve noticed the other scholars are taking the “be inspiring” route when it comes to encouraging folk to apply for the Marketing Academy scholarship. …
The Scholarship – a 9 month, free, part time program for 30 of the UK’s fastest rising stars in Marketing, Advertising, Media and Communications.
The Fellowship – Equips CMOs and Marketing Directors with the tools, knowledge and insight to make the move onto Boards and into General Management / MD / CEO roles.
12 month full paid Marketing Apprenticeship for young adults who because of challenging backgrounds, lack qualifications or poor life choices are normally overlooked for this kind of work experience
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