Nominations for the US 2025 Scholarship Program are open  – NOMINATE NOW

Applications for The US 2025 Fellowship Program are open  – APPLY NOW

Briony Mathieson, CMO – ofi

A marketing professional, Briony has spent over 30 years working across the full range of B2C, B2B strategies, content and channels. Her career started in the advertising industry where she spent 7 years creating ad campaigns for global brands including Heinz and Nike before retreating to the Ugandan rainforest for a year to work with chimpanzees!

Since then she’s held various roles across customer marketing, brand, digital platforms, corporate reputation & PR, as well as employee comms. She’s worked in agency and client side, as well as in the not for profit sector – focused on environmental issues, including MarComs head for the Prince of Wales at The Prince’s Rainforests Project.

Back in the private sector, she was Global Head of MarComms at $30bn Olam International, an agri-business listed in Singapore, operating in 66 countries and present in 47 agri-commodities. At the beginning of 2020, she became the Chief Marketing Officer for the S10.5bn newly carved out entity Olam Food Ingredients (ofi). A global leader at the forefront of food & beverage consumer trends delivering sustainable, natural, and plant-based ingredients & solutions, serving large, attractive and high growth end-use categories.
