What People Say about The Marketing Academy...
Don't just take our word for it. This is what our community around the world have said about our programs...
The Marketing Academy is not only career-defining, it’s life-changing. I have learned more than I could have possibly imagined from the inspirational speakers, mentors, my coach and of course the other brilliant scholars. I think everyone takes something different out of the program depending on their own vision and purpose and development areas, but for me the coaching on taking control of your own outcomes, becoming a key person of influence, and “daring to begin before you are ready” has had the most impact.
The Marketing Academy, quite simply, redefines you. It changes the way you see yourself, it changes the way you want other people to see you, and it changes the person you want to be in the future. And you learn all this with the support of the most incredible network: the scholars who go through it with you, the mentors who never fail to inspire you and the business coach who helps you make sense of it all. Anyone who has an ambition to be a leader in the marketing world should apply.
I’m still coming down from the high! I am changed as a person in the best possible way, and I found this experience incredibly rewarding and fulfilling from both a professional and personal perspective.
The Marketing Academy Scholarship Program is the start of an amazing journey that has helped me realize the leader I already was. I’m now able to articulate my passion, have a clear purpose and have a network of amazing people who have all been on this journey together. It’s helped me realize what my potential can be whilst unleashing a passion to inspire and influence people in my life to think about things differently and be the change they want to see.
Amazing experience, life changing. Thank you for making this happen. We hope we were worth it.
The Marketing Academy Scholarship is without doubt the ultimate accelerator for marketers. The access to knowledge, experience, networks and best practice is second to none. In the coming years I’m convinced I’ll look back and see the year with the Academy as a pivotal point in my career.
A standout program which provides a stimulating experience for the scholars, while driving tangible skills-building.
I’ve been incredibly energized and inspired by this entire experience. And I’m really looking forward to putting into practice what was discussed at boot camp, and contributing to key projects that the broader cohort is working on as part of our paying it forward goal.
The Marketing Academy provides a unique blend of personal, professional and leadership development like no other. The program provides unprecedented mentorship opportunities with CEOs, CMOs and entrepreneurs at the top of their game, world class executive coaching and the most engaging boot camp sessions. You will be genuinely inspired. You will experience significant personal growth. You will likely change the way you approach your career, personal life and interaction with others. You will make lifelong friends with a strong cohort of your peers who will grow alongside of you. If you possess ambition and a growth mindset you need to do all you can to secure a spot on The Marketing Academy. Apply with haste!
The Fellowship is a fantastic experience, giving access to faculty materials, insider experience from senior mentors and a close peer network that you cannot access anywhere else. Amazing, humbling and great fun.
The program has been exceptional – I’ve met peers, industry experts and specialists who have really challenged my thinking and inspired me to think about how to operate differently to drive change. Probably the best intervention I could have at this stage of my career!
Oh boy…where to start. This was life changing. People said this to me before I was accepted and I was skeptical. But it surpassed my expectations. Now it’s up to me to take the experience and the learnings and put them into play. It’s astounding that you can take 30 strangers and get them as close as I’ve become to some of these people. One of the guest speakers said this “We change people’s lives every day” but I truly believe it applies to what you’re doing at TMA: Thank you for what you’re doing and thank you for allowing me to experience this program.
It’s so much more than marketing. ‘Leadership Academy for Life where you make Lifelong Friends’ is probably more like it, although admittedly not as catchy.
The Marketing Academy Fellowship has been a life-changing experience, both professionally and personally. It has been rich in variety, challenging and inspiring, and above all has offered the formation of a wonderful network of people sharing like-minded challenges.
The program is good, the professional development is great but there are no words to describe the new network you gain
The value is not simply the calibre of people who give up their time to talk, mentor and host. It’s the huge amount of themselves that they put into it when they do that makes it invaluable. It’s inspiring and humbling to be a part of such a varied group of people as those in my cohort. People I know are going to shape the future of our industry. They are not teaching us to manage. They are enabling us to lead.
The Marketing Academy is the most life changing program I’ve ever been on – imagine feeling like for the first time ever you know what your purpose is. Imagine understanding for the first time too how to go about getting that career you really want. Imagine feeling more inspired and empowered than ever before by incredible industry leaders from across the marketing industry. Finally, imagine having the opportunity to grow a brand new network of talented future leaders and friends. The Marketing Academy has been an indescribable experience so far – the journey I have been on has been almost magical and I can’t thank the Academy, mentors, coaches and speakers enough for helping to shape the new professional I have become.
The five days we were together as a group was so much more then I could ever have imagined, in my head I knew I would learn something, but I never thought that it would change my outlook so dramatically. I described it to someone over the weekend as a sliding door moment from which point things changed both personally and at work.
The Scholarship thus far has exceeded all my expectations and once I get my house in order, i.e. wrapping up this experience, I know it has profoundly enriched me as an individual, leader and marketer. I feel so fortunate having received this opportunity and living the experience every day, and once it is all over, I will greatly miss it, but also recognize my responsibility to make the most of it in my life and career going forward!
I genuniely feel that the academy has given me the tools and assistance I require to succeed over the next few years: the mentors with their extensive personal experiences and future marketing insight, the scholar network to share this amazing journey with and the executive coach which provides the glue to bring together all of the learning.
I decided to apply for the academy to take my learning to the next level. When you work within a smaller business often with a small marketing team – you look outside of the organisation for help and inspiration. The academy is one massive thinktank and sounding-board which enables me to constantly test our marketing capabilities with inspiration from some of the top marketers in the UK.
I would advise anybody that is joining the academy that “what got you here, won’t get you there”! The academy is 80% leadership & 20% marketing – so if you want to be a marketing leader the academy will help prepare you in the best possible way
Academy People
Featured Scholar
Neil Shah, Global Marketing Director, Smirnoff, Diageo
Neil Shah is Global Marketing Director – Smirnoff at Diageo. Based in NYC, he leads key global initiatives for Smirnoff, the world’s largest premium spirits…