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Julie Dormand, Managing Director – The Works, part of Capgemini

With a rich history spanning over three decades, Julie Dormand has been at the forefront of shaping company growth across the advertising and marketing industry. Her leadership journey includes steering MercerBell, a leading CX Agency, through acquisition, buy-out, and strategic mergers while playing a pivotal role in empowering blue-chip brands like Qantas, Mastercard, and Purina to unlock their full customer potential. Now, Managing Director at The Works, Part of Capgemini, Julie is driven by a profound passion for creating human connections that unlock the potential of individuals, teams, and businesses alike. As an advocate for a people-first leadership approach, her contributions to the industry have not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by the prestigious AC&E Jon Clark Outstanding Contribution Award and the Mumbrella Industry Leader of the Year 2019 accolades. In 2023, she was a finalist in the ‘Executive Leader’ and ‘Glass Ceiling’ categories at the B&T Women in Media Awards. At present, Julie extends her leadership beyond The Works, serving as the Chair of the Advisory Board for Ellipsis Loyalty, a Board member at Kimberlin Education, and a mentor for Mentor Walks Australia.

In addition, Julie is the founder of the Friday Lunch Club, a Senior Leader networking group focused on fostering connections within the Sydney North Shore and Northern Beaches LGAs. With a unique blend of business acumen and an empathetic nature, Julie champions the principles of Daring Leadership, emphasizing the value of human connections, and bringing a sense of fun and excitement to everything she does.

Her enduring dedication to both business and the well-being of individuals positions her as a beacon of inspiration in the advertising and marketing arena – especially in a mentorship capacity.

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The Marketing Academy Australia acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.