Team Focus help discover hidden talents in Marketing Academy nominees

The brightest young marketers and entrepreneurs are being identified for future business leadership roles via unique psychometric testing that allows interviewers to spot ‘hidden’ talent that might not be immediately obvious.

The Marketing Academy which provides access for young marketers to boardroom level, c-suite executives over a 12-month scholarship designed to coach the leaders of tomorrow requires rigorous testing in order to select just 30 candidates from more than 500 nominations every year.

Part of that selection process sees the Marketing Academy using Team Focus, one of the UK’s leading trainers in psychometrics and publishers of the innovative ‘Profiling for Success’ range of tests and questionnaires.

Team Focus helps the Marketing Academy discover ‘hidden’ attributes which aren’t always obvious in an interview but are vitally important to someone’s ability to succeed.  These attributes include how the candidates process information as well as defining the candidates’ energy, drive and motivation.

Roy Childs, Managing Director of Team Focus, says: “The biggest selection errors not always about the people you hire but the people you miss. Our work helps you find the people you could miss by not recognising talent when it comes in through the door. These are people that could then go on to work for the competition. Our methods reduce the chance of that, by allowing us to spot talent that might not be immediately obvious.”

Candidates for the Marketing Academy Scholarship will undertake more traditional testing (verbal and numerical skills) as well as a more complex analysis of how they think using the Decision Analysis Test (DAT is based on increasing complexity and ambiguity) plus some personality measures that provide in-depth prompts for exploring a person’s style. These tests by Team Focus provide incisive insight in helping to identify candidates who will be able to deal with the increasing inter-related world where complexity and ambiguity are amongst the challenges that face all leaders in the 21st century.

The Marketing Academy provides a unique forum for industry leaders, marketing gurus, academics, entrepreneurs and marketing practitioners to inspire, develop and coach an entire generation of future business leaders.  At its heart is the pursuit of a simple yet compelling mission: “To inspire and develop the young marketing talent of today to become the leaders of tomorrow.”

Key corporate sponsors of the Marketing Academy in 2013 include British Gas, Mondelez, O2, Nokia, Microsoft and Marketing Week.

Team Focus are business psychologists specialising in enhancing the contribution of people at individual, team and corporate levels. Their clients range from small, dedicated businesses to major, global organisations. Based in the UK, they are capable of dealing with the most complex trans-national people issues through their network of international associates and partners.

For more information on Team Focus please click here.


The Scholarship – a 9 month, free, part time program for 30 of the UK’s fastest rising stars in Marketing, Advertising, Media and Communications.

The Fellowship – Equips CMOs and Marketing Directors with the tools, knowledge and insight to make the move onto Boards and into General Management / MD / CEO roles.

12 month full paid Marketing Apprenticeship for young adults who because of challenging backgrounds, lack qualifications or poor life choices are normally overlooked for this kind of work experience