What People Say about The Marketing Academy...
Don't just take our word for it. This is what our community around the world have said about our programs...
This program was life changing! When I decided to apply to The Marketing Academy Scholarship, I knew I needed to make some changes in my life and career, but honestly didn’t know where to start. Who would have thought that after leaving the final boot camp that I’d have a clearly- articulated life purpose, and true career road map, and 29 colleagues I now consider family. I’ve never grown so close to a group of strangers so quickly. I well up with joy every time I think about my cohort, the TMA staff, and what I’ve gained.
The Marketing Academy has an amazing ability to make you reframe and reconsider not just your career, but how you approach your whole life.
TMA Scholarship is an unparallel program, not only because of its curriculum but because you become part of a community that keeps growing and never stops giving!
The Marketing Academy is like a condensed MBA. You’ll lunch with CEOs, have breakfast with agency heads and spend days at a time with the very best young marketing talent in the UK. More than just developing your marketing ability the Academy is about developing you as a leader and preparing you for life at the top table.
The Marketing Academy is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Do not miss out. Make sure you apply now.
Lunch with CEOs, breakfast with entrepreneurs and day long sessions with 29 of the best young marketing minds.
Getting into the Marketing Academy has been one of my proudest achievements to date.
Getting into the Marketing Academy sets you apart from the rest.
The Marketing Academy is an opportunity not to be missed. It is a 9 month long program dedicated to making you a better leader and preparing you for life in the boardroom.
The Marketing Academy is the single best leadership training you can receive, highlighting the massive difference between being a great marketer and a great marketing leader. It’s also broadened my horizon’s enormously by linking me up with a hugely talented group of likeminded marketers.
The Marketing Academy is not only career-defining, it’s life-changing. I have learned more than I could have possibly imagined from the inspirational speakers, mentors, my coach and of course the other brilliant scholars. I think everyone takes something different out of the program depending on their own vision and purpose and development areas, but for me the coaching on taking control of your own outcomes, becoming a key person of influence, and “daring to begin before you are ready” has had the most impact.
The Marketing Academy has inspired me to transform the way I think about the C-suite. ItÕs gone from a pipedream to an attainable goal!
You only need to look at the names of the mentors and board members involved in the Marketing Academy to see that this is a program like no other in the industry. A genuinely step changing program and a unique program of learning. And critically, because it’s free, it’s open to all- the only thing you need to bring is ability. A program that has a big role to play in the Marketing industry for many years to come.
I clearly wanted to make it onto the Academy but I did not know too much about it. Having had just the first week – if I had known how good it is I would have been DESPERATE to make the final 30 and absolutely gutted if I would have missed out. It was such an amazing week and I took so much out of it, can’t thank you enough.
A thoughtfully designed journey through the unbearable lightness of leadership.
The Marketing Academy has been a gift. The people I’ve met, the insights I’ve gleaned and the leaps I’ve made personally and professionally have made a deep impact on my life. Grateful doesn’t begin to describe the way I feel about every single element of the experience.
A money can’t buy, soul enriching experience that helps you become the leader you want to be.
I applied looking for a network, some leadership frameworks and coaching and am leaving with SO much more – a set of lifelong friends, personal growth, clarity on my purpose and optimism for the future.Who knew so much was possible in just 7 months!
I’ve been on many courses, to many lectures, and read many books, but nothing has had the transformation impact on my leadership potential, style, and performance, that The Marketing Academy has. It is simply the definitive scheme for future marketing and business leaders.
L’avenir est entre les mains de ceux qui explorent. The future is in the hands of those who can explore. The Marketing Academy Scholarship offers scholars a unique opportunity to take time to explore every aspect of their lives. A game changer.
The Marketing Academy is a unique program, offering its 30-strong cohort the opportunity to learn from the UKÕs top marketing and business talent. From CEO lunches to mentoring to coaching, the network and opportunity offered by Sherilyn and team is unparalleled and is supporting the development of new modern leaders. ItÕs been a privilege to be part of such a wonderful program and personally, IÕve met some lifelong friends and hope to pay forward the learnings and experience.
A rare opportunity to invest time in your career growth. TMA allows you the time and resources to reflect, learn and grow as a leader while making enduring connections with peers and leaders within the US marketing landscape.
Definitely life-changing. Can’t thank you enough for bringing these wonderful human beings (not only successful professionals) to my life.
The Marketing Academy was more than I imagined it could be and more than I can explain to those around me. The quality of speakers and the structure of boot camp ensured that every session opened your eyes to something new and yet the common theme of leadership was presence throughout. The way I look to approach situations has changed and I can now see how to get more from every opportunity and individual. I have walked away from boot camp knowing more about myself, my peers and my industry. The other twenty nine who were on the boot camp I now call friends, understanding what motivates them and how to work better with them.
The programme will really open you up to your true potential, make it real and give you the tools you need to achieve it.
Academy People
Featured Fellow
ToM Malleschitz, Co Founder, M2 Property Solutions Ltd
Previously Chief Digital Officer, ToM’s focus is on maximising the opportunity to strengthen and grow digital products and services for the company and to create…
Featured Scholar
Nicola Brassington, Global Brand & Product Marketing – Facebook
Nicola has worked in global roles within the Advertising and Online division at Microsoft for the past 2 years. She is currently the Global Marketing…
Featured Coach
Olwyn Merritt
Prior to becoming a Board-level Leadership Coach, Olwyn spent 20 years in senior sales and marketing management positions in some of the UK’s top organisations,…