The Buoyant Leader: A Leadership Course for the Rising Star

Kevin Allen, author of the Wall Street Journal best-selling The Hidden Agenda: A Proven Way to Win Business and Create a Following, is back, with a fabulously entertaining (and true) tale of a newly minted leader made buoyant during the Case of the Missing Cutlery. As a young manager at an airline catering facility, Kevin had to find out why silverware was disappearing at a rapid clip. The route to solving this mystery of the case of the missing cutlery results in Kevin learning to be a buoyant leader, a leader who inspires followers and is able to rely on their hard work and support. The author uses this down-to-earth story of how to become a true leader to connect to his readers, who might find reading about leadership success at the Fortune 50 level inspiring but too far from their reality to be helpful day to day. The Buoyant Leader also provides exercises and further examples to bring the leadership messages home.

If you want to know more or purchase a copy, then please click here


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