Vicki gets started with the process of feedforward

As part of the marketing academy us scholars are encouraged to undertake a process called Feedforward. For those who are unfamiliar with the term this is the process when someone gives you suggestions for the future and help to achieve positive changes of behaviour/skills in the future. It is your opportunity to find out what your strengths are and also highlights areas that they think you can improve in.

Sounds scary doesn’t it. Asking someone to tell you what they think your flaws are, and also how do you approach someone to ask them to provide you with such information.

Well, I have to say from my first experience of going through the feedforward process I found it 100% positive, enlightening and therapeutic. Here is how it went.

I choose my Marketing Director for my first feed forward process, someone who has known me for the four years that I have been with the IoD and progressed through the ranks.

I couldn’t have had a better experience. I learnt so much about myself and truly valued the time and thought that she but into providing such constructive feedback and advice. I came away from the conversation learnt a lot about myself but also having been truly inspired by my leader.

I would recommend undertaking the process to anyone, whether you are on the marketing academy or not. It is a great exercise and one that I look forward to continuing to develop.

I want to finish up by saying that I think this process provides benefits for both parties in this process. I would encourage anyone who has direct reports to have these conversations with them, as it allows someone to see a different side of you, showing your leadership rather management style. Having such a positively open and honest conversation meant that I came away feeling inspired and with an increased amount of respect for my director. I would like to quickly use this opportunity to thank her again for taking the time out to assist me with this process.
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