Why the Marketing Academy is just like Weight Watchers’ by Scholar, Clara Biu

It’s hard to explain what you get out of being part of the Marketing Academy. Unlike a Weight Watchers programme where you can visualise the before and after, you’re never quite sure what the end result of this intense year will be.

Five months in and I can already start seeing some changes. I now say things like ‘vision’ and ‘purpose’, without an ounce of irony. In meetings I listen… really listen instead of mentally preparing what I’m going to say when it’s my turn to speak. The changes aren’t limited to work; I now tell people I appreciate what they do and it’s often met with a stunned, quizzical expression.

It all sounds a bit airy fairy and has led many to wonder if I’ve either joined a cult or survived a near death experience. So I brought the topic up with James Scroggs, one of the mentors, and he simply explained: you get to learn in a year what the average person doesn’t figure out until well into their forties. On paper that sounds incredible, but in reality it’s not a short cut, to call it that would be a disservice. There’s certainly no magic wand. It’s more like having time to consider what’s important to you and learn little things you can do differently that’ll have a huge impact. And of course there’s the added benefit of learning from some ridiculously smart people in the industry.

So what have I picked up so far?

“When you do things deliberately, it’s more likely to be successful” – Dominic Grounsell, who is without question the most focused person I’ve ever met. He has such a clear vision (see, there I go again), it challenges you to reassess what you’re striving towards.

“What you focus on grows and develops. What you ignore withers and dies” – Karen Hunter, who explained how easily your thoughts can impact your reality.

“Marketing is like conducting an orchestra” – Mike Hughes’ simple lesson on how leadership is about bringing out the best in others, who are all working to a shared goal.

“As well as a to-do list have a to-be list” – Hayley Spurling and Nina Holdaway’s reminder of the impact of your behaviour on others.

“Make the most of every opportunity” – Sherilyn Shackell. This one does what it says on the tin.

On their own, these pearls of wisdom give you a lot to consider. Add them up over the year and I expect it’ll be similar to the Weight Watchers equivalent of finally losing bingo wings and feeling like a better version of yourself.



The Scholarship – a 9 month, free, part time program for 30 of the UK’s fastest rising stars in Marketing, Advertising, Media and Communications.

The Fellowship – Equips CMOs and Marketing Directors with the tools, knowledge and insight to make the move onto Boards and into General Management / MD / CEO roles.

12 month full paid Marketing Apprenticeship for young adults who because of challenging backgrounds, lack qualifications or poor life choices are normally overlooked for this kind of work experience