Nominations for the US 2025 Scholarship Program are open  – NOMINATE NOW

Applications for The US 2025 Fellowship Program are open  – APPLY NOW

The Scholarship Alumni

The Scholarship Alumni

The Marketing Academy US is sponsored by:


The US Scholarship Alumni Program

The Marketing Academy launched in the United States in December 2018.  The first class of 30 Scholars completed the free, 9-month program in 2019, the second in 2020. These Alumni of the Scholarship Program are eager to share their learnings and reflections with the marketing community.

The US Scholarship Alumni Program aims to continually develop our Alumni, connecting them to the values of the program and ensuring the strong bonds they form with each other extends across all cohorts.  The program strives to live the mission of The Marketing Academy through inspirational leadership connections, speakers, events and support.  

As the program builds, the Alumni will serve as a foundation to grow this unique community of marketing talent in the United States.

The Alumni Council

Academy People

Featured Scholar

Featured Coach

Featured Mentor